Fall Back

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Phone systems have been changing, evolving, and helping businesses become more cost-efficient through the use of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology.  Phone systems from yesteryear, once mammoth configurations of steel mounted in the corner of a dungeon-like bunker hidden in the back of office buildings, have been replaced with sleek, aerodynamic equipment about the size of a router that fits in a standard rack in your well-groomed, well-ventilated IT closet. 

Size isn’t the only stream-lined feature. Long distance phone charges are a thing of the past thanks to the advent of VoIP systems for business.  And, if you believe your VoIP sales person, this system will streamline your need for everything from a receptionist to an on-hold advertising vendor.  (Rumor has it the new 2020 model comes with made-to-order espresso simply by pressing 0 * # ! on your keypad.)

Forecasts early this year projected that by 2020, 5G technology will be available for VoIP providers with minimal latency and greater security measures for these cloud-based services.  Improved business operations are on the horizon where calls, messaging, email, and other communication tools will be the hallmark of unified communications available through VoIP.  This will not just be for major corporations, but for small and medium sized businesses as well.  Research provided by Computer.Org indicates a projected 204.8 billion VoIP subscribers globally by 2020, with the VoIP industry enjoying revenues of $86.20 billion.

With all of these benefits, growth, and technology, why am I having difficulty connecting with customers and building strong business relationships?

Each year I am amazed at the eagerness, for most of the United States, to streak boldly towards the future by springing forward one hour to enjoy an extra hour of daylight. Birds sing, soccer and softball fields are filled with activity, and people feel more productive, with new energy pulsing through them because of this leap into the future.  Look at all the extra you can accomplish with this innovative approach to time.

However, each autumn the inevitable happens. The beauty and charm of the future comes to an end.  The extra hour you have been enjoying each day, must now be given back.  Daylight decreases at breakneck speed.  Your mood sours.  So does your productivity. You find yourself using the characters 0*#! in everyday conversations, and it isn’t to order espresso. The future has become the present. You realize you have just as many hours today as you did yesterday.  What changed is how you view them, how you manage them, and how you choose to use them for your benefit.

VoIP is a ‘future’ technology available to you today that can definitely benefit your business.  But it is just a tool.  It will never replace good, old-fashioned customer service.  An automated attendant is efficient, but won’t replace the welcoming presence provided by a live receptionist. VoIP systems provide default hold music. This is a place holder really – like the generic picture that comes with the frame you just bought at Target, to be replaced with the real deal as soon as you get home.  Default music from your VoIP provider is, by definition, generic.  It can’t possibly reinforce your brand like a professionally produced, custom on hold advertising program provided by Woodstock Media Group.

Keep reaching toward the future with technology that will make your business operate more efficiently.

But, when it comes to connecting with customers and building relationships; fall back. Use the tried and true methods of your past successes: Great products, friendly and helpful customer service, and On-Hold Concepts by Woodstock Media Group.

Put US (and keep us) on hold!

Tom McTee, Super-Genius
On-Hold Concepts, Inc.
Woodstock Media Group

Scott Woodstock