Hope When Things Are S.A.D.


Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression that’s tied to changes in seasons. If you are like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue through the winter months.  For someone like me, the winter solstice is undeniably the least favorite day of the year.  It is this dreaded day where the smallest amount of sunlight graces our region. Wake up – it’s dark.  Commute to and from work – dark. Prospects for the future during this season….dark.  The only thing that holds it together for me is knowing there is one more minute of sunshine today than there was yesterday.

It is small moments like this that bring me hope when there is more darkness than light filling each day.

At Woodstock Media Group our primary focus is on hold advertising. 

Oh, no. We understand the potential ‘winter solstice’ of this encounter between your customer and your business. Like you, we have heard far too many on hold programs that are dark, dreary, and depressing.  After all the efforts that went into external marketing channels to entice a potential customer to call, then to be treated to the audio equivalent of ‘six more weeks of winter’ can sour the cheeriest of dispositions.

That’s why we approach this moment differently. 

A caller’s average time spent on hold is 38 seconds.  In reality, including auto attendants and call transfers, actual time spent on hold for each caller is about a minute.   That is the time to shine.

The On-Hold Concepts we create for customers are designed to help businesses grow by harnessing the power of a captive audience.  The most effective programs take a creative approach that will not only educate, but also engage, and entertain each caller. CLICK HERE to see what I mean.

One of the first line treatments for Seasonal Affective Disorder is Light Therapy.  The treatment is simple. Sit or work near a device that mimics natural outdoor light.  This is especially helpful when light therapy is done during the first part of each day.  This actually causes a beneficial change in brain chemicals linked to mood.

Treatment for a caller placed on hold follows a similar prescription.  Treat your current and potential customers to a light, creative, and informative on hold advertising program. Your callers will experience the beneficial effects this type of light therapy has on their mood.  And, the effects these satisfied customers have on your bottom line will lighten your mood as well.

Choose On-Hold Concepts from Woodstock Media Group. 

The creative way to add one more minute of sunshine every day.

Tom McTee, Super-Genius
Woodstock Media Group
On-Hold Concepts, Inc.

Scott Woodstock